Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cuteness Overload

Okay okay okay.  I KNOW.  I know I've been slacking on blogging.  I have been busy.  You know...same ol' song and dance!  I guess what it takes to get me to blog these days is a whole lotta buggin.  :)  At any rate...I'm attaching some much requested photos of the girls.  These are all cell phone pics because I am too lazy to pull them out of the video camera, upload and photoshop.  Deal with it.  At least be happy I am blogging, right?  :) 

We've been busy lately just playing.  The weather has been warm.  Okay no.  That's a lie.  The weather WAS warm for about 2 days.  Warm enough to run through sprinklers!  It now appears that October is here with rain and cold.  I'm not complaining though - I LOVE the rain but some sunshine is a wonderful thing! We've also been trying to get to the park everyday - now that the best one for both girls is re-open!  And of course...Emily has been able to play with her BFF...something she absolutely LOVES!  :)

So...the right side of the pic has been cut off some...if you want to see the full picture - you have to click on it.

We also visited Children's Fairyland in Oakland.  The girls had a lot of fun!  They were able to slide, crawl, explore and go on rides!  As you can see, Allison is already a rule breaker by standing up in the ferris-wheel while it was going.  Sigh.  But they had a lot of fun!  I had fun watching them explore!

To see the full pic - you have to click on it.  Not missing much - just looks better when it's the full pic.

We also spent the day down at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  We went down there to see all the fish - and to see the husband.  The husband has had to take a few classes down there and since we missed him so much - we headed down to check out the sights!  I was SO impressed that Emily wasn't afraid to touch all the stuff in the water this time!  If you look at the picture of her holding up the green seaweed- she is yelling "LOOK MOM!  IT'S LETTUCE!!!"  It was adorable!  Allison also was able to touch some stuff as well.  As you can see - the day tired Allison out and she pretty much passed out back at Erik's hotel room where we bathed and put pjs on for the ride home. on to see full picture.  Not missing much on this one - just it looks better if you click.

So we've been busy. Yay.  Busy is good - but it's also exhausting!  :)  So the past few days we have just hung out and took it easy.  Tonight Emily has a graduation performance at school.  Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that she doesn't get too scared and not perform.  She isn't graduating but will be promoting to a new class this fall.  The girls are just growing SO fast - it's just amazing! 

So there you have it.  I blogged!  YAY!  I should now get a gold star for my efforts...right?  Eh.  Instead I'm off to "reward" myself by doing laundry.  :-|   


Kimmy said...

Yah! You blogged! lol

Love the pics...even though I recognize a few from FB. Still love them!! Looks like you all are having fun. We STILL need to get together lady, for lunch!!!

John said...

Very, very cute - and I fully know about the "being too busy for most anything".

Thanks for finding the time & sharing :-) You make cute kids.

John said...

Very, very cute - and I fully know about the "being too busy for most anything".

Thanks for finding the time & sharing :-) You make cute kids.

MommaKiss said...

Hella lotta cute! Being busy passes the time - and the kids get tired, right??