Monday, March 30, 2009

It always creeps me out...

I think it always creeps me out when I see who visits my blog. I get such random people visiting. The people that google to find me is weird - especially for what they put in in their google search. The people that know me, yet we don't talk to each other any more but they still read about my life, is weird. The people that find my blog and then email my blog to others to read is weird. Plus, NONE of them leave comments. Well, one did..."anonymously" and I guess thought I couldn't see who wrote it.

I guess if I am writing a blog for the world to see...I should expect the world to see! LOL! I usually write stuff I don't care if people know about. I am not divulging too much info about myself that I wouldn't share with a stranger. I was TOTALLY okay with that...until I saw who was looking at my blog recently. Sometimes...just seeing who has a little unexpected, sometimes a little creepy...and sometimes just plain annoying.

So once again...I am thinking of going private. I'll give it a few days to see. Last time you all made me feel better about having such a public blog...but once again today...I am thinking of not having it be so public anymore.

So all you in bloggy land...why do you keep your blog public vs. private...and for those that are private and have allowed me access...why did you go that route?


Kimmy said...

I don't know why I keep my public. I've actually started not using the little ones name on here. Thinking about going back to edit when I have used her name. I try not to give too much details either. I don't know. If you do go private, I hope you let me continue to follow. :o)

BreAnne said...

I have kept my blog public, although I am not sure if anyone reads it. I found your blog from the blog of a woman who was on my IVillage TTC board. I like how you don't use your daughter's name and I don't think that you give any revealing information. I hope that if you do decide to go private you will allow me access I love you Thankful Tuesdays, that is why I was drawn to your blog in the first place.

The Wife O Riley said...

I keep my blog public because I have made some great friend by people just stopping by. I believe that's how I met you. I don't give my address or my number. I have mentioned the city I live in which is on of the largest in the country and if someone wants to find me, good luck. I am more concerned when my daughter goes online, which isn't too often yet.

I have that Google Analytical and the unique visits tend to spend less than a minute looking at my site.

Minxy Mimi said...

Hmmm, I am not sure if private is good... then new people cant find you,. But if you are worried then maybe you should lock it for now.
Who all is bugging you?

Serenity said...

Mine is public but as you know its on its own domain,which I prefer over actually being on a blogging network like blogspot. I actually don't care who reads my blog, I say let'em :) If I had anything that needed to stay private then as you know I would email only those I want to know about it. If someone wants to spy on me for juicy details of my life I actually don't let it get to me and don't care....because Im happy with my life and they can be jealous that I kicked them to the I think the best thing is that strangers have gotten help from my blog, by asking about the WiiFit, the recipes, or even about my oldest son. In the same token, moderating is also key to having a public blog...because then I don't have to publish any unwanted comments

Young Momma said...

I totally understand what you're going through!!! I know I don't give much away on my blog - much less then most people I think. Some people know the city I live in, but most just know the general area. Only two bloggers know my real name. And no one has seen pictures of me or know my name... but I still get a little freaked by the people who follow or stop by and don't say anything!! I've got like 60 some odd followers and only get around 10 comments on each post. How does that add up? lol!!! I agree with what you're feeling, but I'd do the pro/con thing. If I was doing a private blog - I don't know that I'd even have the desire to blog. I hope you find what makes you comfortable though and I hope I can keep reading if you go private!

Bee said...

I love reading your blog! We've never met but I got your blog off Trina and Brandys blogs. Your thankful tuesdays are always thoughout and never the same. If you stay public atleast you have a way to see who is looking. I've got a tracker that just gives me numbers of visiters. . . i wish i knew what you were using (share, please!!)