This week has been exceptionally rough for me. I'm glad it's Saturday because that means the week is over and POOF everything is going to be better, right? RIGHT?? (this is where you humor me and say "OF COURSE!")
This past Thursday we went to Habitot out in Berkeley again. I LOVE that place. It's SO fun for the kids and even for the parents to watch their children explore and take it all in while having a blast. The time there started out great!
Emily and her friend Kaylee practiced with make up for their teen years.
And just had a blast...
(those were the only pics I got).
Allison had a blast in the baby area climbing and crawling through things and practicing walking. All was happy in our little world...
Until the hubby and our friend needed to move the cars out of metered parking. I assured them I'd be fine and I'd see them in a bit. The husband asked me if I was sure because 3 kids by myself is hard. NO problem...I've done it before.
Two minutes after I was left with three girls...Emily experienced her very first text-book tantrum. In public. In front of other moms who some were shooting me the judgmental looks and others giving me the sympathetic ones. She was hitting me, kicking me, screaming "G-D DAMNIT" so the whole world could hear. She was refusing to walk to her time out with me and I couldn't do a whole lot because I was holding Allison while she did all this. I tried grabbing her hand in the middle of all this (several times actually) and she would lay on the floor hitting, kicking, screaming and cussing. Jaws were dropped and one mom chimed in to say "let her play over here". Um lady. That's not the point. But thanks for your unwanted advice.
FINALLY Kaylee's dad, Adam, showed up, I literally just about threw Allison to him, picked up my screaming, kicking, cussing toddler and headed outside for time out. She cried. I didn't at the moment but almost did (and did later). It had already been a difficult week.
But...order was restored, she hugged me, reminding me why my job is so important and so worth every difficult moment. Those big brown watery eyes looking at me telling me she was so so sorry made everything in the world not matter at that moment.
Being a mommy is so hard. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I'm always wondering how I'm screwing them up and how much therapy they will need. But it's worth it. The good and the bad. The smiles and the tears.
Here's to a good ending to a horrible horrible week. Hoping next week is much much better!
Of Course! Is that what I'm sposed to say?
Girl please. Parenting is the hardest mofo job on the planet. Add in "working" outside the home? Mom. Guilt. It's amazing. Of course.
Oh Denise....I agree, hardest job. EVER!!! And honestly, been there with my kiddo. Oh boy, have I ever. She was QUEEN of tantrums. You know how Paul and I like to go out. Yeah...not so much back them. She kicked, screamed, arms flying, legs kicking and me, you ask?! Oh goodness, I have a very short fuse with such things and OMG! I'm sure she was able to feel the tension from me. It does get easier, believe me. Sabrina is well behaved. She has her moments, don't get me wrong, but I can snap her into place REAL QUICK!
Anytime you ever need to talk, I'm here. Email, call, whatever. (((HUGS)))
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